Saturday, June 8, 2019

Technology Integration In Learning Essay Example for Free

Technology Integration In Learning EssayThere is almost no discover that you can go where technology hasnt been used. Technology affects our daily lives in everything that we do it saves time, creates a domain of endless learning, and makes traveling to halfway around the world effortless. Technology greatly reduces the time it takes to perform lives everyday tasks. Daily chores such as mowing the grass or doing the dishes have been reduced from hours to twenty minutes with the blueprint of the automatic dishwasher and gas powered lawn mower. New technologies have even eliminated the time it takes to read books when you can download the audio book off of iTunes to find out to on your iPod. In the work place machines have eliminated many of the hand labors of molding parts and assembling products creating a great surplus of extra hours to elaboration other works and increasing production.Technology also helps student in their studies. In an article published by Technology an d Learning magazine, interviews were conducted with some tether research experts on how they felt about technologys impact on education. The first way that technology can benefit students is that it can accelerate, enrich and deepen raw material skills. Under the right conditions, students learn faster with more depth of understanding using technology (Salpeter, 1999). Students who use the technology for really communication with a real audience are much more capable of talking to adults because they are getting used to ittechnology facilitates cooperative learning, encourages new roles for learners and the ability to work independently. said Judy Salpeter , who is the editor of the Technology and Learning magazine.The impact of technology on society is deep. It is both positive and ostracize. Technology has largely influenced every aspect of living. It has made life easy, simply so easy that it may lose its charm one day. One can cherish an accomplishment only if it comes aft er effort. But everything has become so easily available due to technology that it has lost its value. There is a certain kind of enjoyment in achieving things after striving for them.STATEMENT OF THE conundrumThis research generally aimed to analyze the enormousness of technology in learning. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions1. What are the effects of technology in our lives?What are the negative effects of technology in our lives?How does the technology effects our environment?How does the technology effects the process of learning?SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDYThis study consists of the importance of technology in our lives, in our studies and the effects of this.

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